Ten Bad Breath Remedies

Bad breath, also known as oral malodor or halitosis, is a very common and treatable condition for many adults. Most cases of bad breath are usually caused by poor dental hygiene and originate from the gums and tongue where bits of food can get caught in your teeth. 

Are you worried about bad breath? Try these home remedies to improve your oral health and keep your breath fresh.

Brush teeth twice a day

Brush your teeth two to three minutes at least twice a day to remove the sticky film of bacteria from your teeth and gums. Some odors can be eliminated immediately after a meal, so it's always to keep a toothbrush at your workplace. If you want to have your toothbrush on-the-go with you, use a toothbrush case to keep the toothbrush from nasty bacteria.

Floss daily

Flossing your teeth safely removes food debris from in between the teeth that a toothbrush can't reach. If the food debris is not removed, the bacteria will begin to feed on it, causing bad breath.

Brush or scrape your tongue

The tongue can harbor plaque and tiny bits of food which can easily be removed with a toothbrush or tongue scraper.

Quit smoking and avoid tobacco products

The unpleasant scent of cigarettes and other tobacco products remain in the mouth after use which can contribute to bad breath. If you need a reason to quit, preventing bad breath is an easy one.

Avoid a dry mouth

Avoid dry mouth, which can cause bad breath, by making sure that you drink a sufficient amount of water daily. The water helps wash away food particles and bacteria that cause bad breath. 

Munch on a carrot, a stick of celery or an apple

When munching on crunchy snacks you step up your saliva flow that helps wash away bacteria from your teeth, tongue, and gums that cause bad breath. 

Use natural-breath fresheners

Certain natural herbs can help freshen your breath. By chewing on parsley, mint leaves, cloves, anise seeds or fennel after an odor-causing meal you can naturally deodorize your mouth.

Avoid certain beverages and foods

There are certain beverages and foods that cause breath odor by leaving a residue that sticks to the plaque in your mouth. Some examples of food and beverages that have this effect include coffee, alcoholic drinks, strong-tasting cheeses, garlic, and onion.

Eat a piece of sugarless candy or chew sugarless gum 

Much like munching on a snack, sucking on a piece of candy or chewing sugarless gum can help stimulate saliva flow.

Visit your dentist

Make a habit of visiting your dentist regularly to make sure that you are maintaining good oral hygiene. Discuss your bad breath with your dentist to see whether or not your issue stems from an oral cause. If the cause of bad breath is not due to an oral health issue, you may have to consult your doctor.

Photo by Joseph Costa on Unsplash